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So well i have been very busy with my personal and business life... i still draw and paint, but nothing is finished...
Mostly work absorbs me... so i got an artblock that have been here for some time, so, for a while you will only find here my submissions for some contest, i'm entering to have my creativity under pression till the block passes away...
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I have been, very busy, and in a sad way... please read all of this, sign the petition and spread the word...

First of all, please look at this photo:

Taken just yesterday...

*Note* I used an automatic translator for the note down here, i don't have much time to write it properly.

Manuel Baldenebro Arredondo mayor in San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora (México) is giving away money (like 20 us dlls) to citizens in exchange of hunting dogs without home in order to sacrifice them due overpopulation.
Giving away money in exchange of dogs for sacrifice is against society values (AND ILEGAL AUTHORITIES ARE NOT LISTENING), it promotes animal cruelty and also rewards it.
The mayor of SLRC in an interview with an animal protection organization commented that the action taken has worked very well and has no plans to stop.

Twiter Dr. Baldenebro
@ DrBalde Dr. Baldenebro:
If the people of animal welfare value the life of a stray dog over a human being I DO NOT!

After all he said and said this man is cowardly and hypocritical denying everything I just discussed in the news Cadena 3, it is now 20 dollars that were to bring dogs to a shelter and he is in favor of life, this is a INSULT, TO DENY EVERYTHING!
then what about the 17'000 dead dogs?

Is happening what is expected from these aberrant measures, people are bringing their own dogs to get rid of them and also stolen dogs ... unfortunate that not only the performance of the mayor, council and council to approve these outrageous actions but also the people of this city ...
In San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mayor, Dr. Manuel de Jesus Arredondo Baldenebro offers a lot of money for killing dogs and cats in the municipality, which is unwise as to call people, not know anything about animals exposed to handling and also encourages citizens to cruel.
All this brutality devoid of any sense of ethics and adherence to the law is a bad example for children and young people will learn to be violent and abusive, and that the government will reward the brutality and complicity in the murder of innocents. It is a dangerous to have such people in the public sector.

The problem of the killing of dogs in San Luis Colorado has not stopped, no public servant has responded to the letters that various organizations and independent activists have sent.
The Private Secretary to Dr. Alonso Montes said he did not intend Pineapple invest NOTHING in ethical dog control programs, they believe in the results so far with which seek to destroy at least 60,000 dogs as they are a serious public health problem.
Animals are not things and the modus operandi of these people only evidence: the problem of animal ignorance, lack of channels of solution and form of government that encourages violence, lack of control and social breakdown.
The astonished citizens see how to proceed from the authorities encouraging citizens to abuse, murdered and otherwise the total ignorance of the laws governing the country.
Does he know Mr. Baldenebro that responsible ownership is the main source to solve the problem? Is he aware that their "measures" the only thing that is generating is a more cruel and ignorant to animals? What will stop tomorrow, remove children, the elderly women because they are too and are a problem for the government and society?

Therefore, we so unmediated The removal of this person in public office: Dr. Manuel de Jesus Baldenebro Arredondo (Mayor of San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora); also asked authorities to intervene and end the slaughter of dogs as each day passes between "talks" more animals are killed and more citizens are wrong idea of the deal for them.

We call a trained person, you can report problems, accountable and committed to social good take that position. No more killings to innocent people who can not defend that result from our lack of education in his tenure.

We make international community aware of this case, ask for your intervention and outside our repudiation of a government that respects no laws, does not educate its citizens and acts of violence

SAN LUIS RIO COLORADO know that I am not, nor all who have commented here, much less the few people who attended the camp, but the international community that the repudiated not only the mayor, its people, 2 years allowing more than 17'000 dogs delivered no doubt people are cruel and without values.

There is no legal provision stipulating that mayors can summon people to catch dogs in exchange for forgiveness of payments, the mayor administrative liability. Furthermore, the absence of any declaration of federal or state health or environment to determine the dogs as a threat to health, is strictly prohibited to kill animals not used for consumption, so that the mayor has violated the Federal Law of Animal Health.

EXPRESS newspaper:

Hermosillo, Son .- In his administration, the mayor of San Luis Rio Colorado, Manuel Arredondo Baldenebro has received 17 000 stray dogs are killed and 200 pesos of debt written off with the commune to the person who delivered.

Recently, groups in favor of the animals showed their discontent through social networks, where they were cataloged to the municipal border of the murderer, saying that there are better ways to take care of the canine overpopulation. For his part, he says that this has "blown" in recent days due to political issues.

Baldenebro Arredondo explained that this program that began with his administration aims to join the other activities of, such as sterilization twice a week and adoption of homeless animals, adding that he is against animal sacrifice, and would prefer sterilization, but says it is necessary to solve the problem.

"We found that the stray dogs in San Luis is a health problem, because stray dogs are a vector for infections of the skin, apart from weather, is a problem for people allergic asthma in situations and promote infections " said him.

He added that the municipality has a census of 70 000 dogs, stray and no, the aim is to control them, for this reason we sought this measure, but said it is not about creating a hunting dog, accepted as only a dog x house to make valid the discount.

As for how it carries out the process, the Mayor of San Luis said that it is a human process in which first the pet sleeps and then injected with a substance that stops his heart and "suffer any pain. "
Yeah just look the photo and try to tell me that again....

This is the petition:


I noted some issues with the link, so this is: change.org/petitions/manuel-baldenebro-arredondo-stop-dog-slaughtering-for-money

The note in Facebook:


Spanish version:


There's more information in the links from facebook, i've been blocked from all goverment pages, and warned by facebook that my account will be suspended...
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1 min read
No podré pintar en algún tiempo, un imbécil me disparó, estoy "bien" pero no aguanto la cabeza, disculpas porque no podré actualizar en un tiempo.


I wouldn't be able to paint in a while, some asshole shoot me, i'm "fine" but my head hurts so much, sorry i'll not upload anything for some time T_T
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Utilizando Sólo Títulos De Poemas (O fragmentos) O Libros De Un Poeta o escritor, responde claramente estas preguntas.
No puedes usar el mismo escritor que yo. Trata de no repetir ningún título. Es más difícil de lo que crees. Por favor, postéalo como "Mi Vida Según (El Escritor)".

Lo ví en el Journal de KnightofDoom knightofdoom.deviantart.com/
...me agrada la idea de este meme.. así que haber que sale...


Escoge Tu Escritor: Nezahualcoyotl

¿Eres Hombre O Mujer?

con áureas flores del cuervo,
con bellas flores de aroma.


Yo ave del agua floriente duro en fiesta.
Soy un canto en el ancho cerco del cagua,
anda mi corazón en la ribera de los hombres,
voy matizando mis flores,
con ellas se embriagan los príncipes.
Hay engalanamiento.

Estoy desolado, ay está desolado mi corazón;
yo soy el poeta en la Ribera de las Nueve Corrientes,
en la tierra del agua floreciente.
Oh mis amigos, sea ya el amortajamiento.

Me pongo collar de redondos jades,
como soy poeta, éste es mi mérito,
reverberan los jades: yo me jacto de mi canto.
Embriaga mi corazón.¡Que allá en la tierra florida sea amortajado!

Cuando canto sufro en la tierra,
yo soy poeta y de dentro me sale la tristeza.
Embriaga mi corazón. ¡Que allá en la tierra florida sea amortajado!

Dejaré pintada una obra de arte,
soy poeta y mi canto vivirá en la tierra:
con mi canto seré recordado, oh mis oyentes,
me iré, me iré a desaparecer,
seré tendido en estera de amarillas plimas,
y llorarán por mí las ancianas,
escurrirá el llanto de mis huesos como florido leño
he de bajar al sepulcro, allá en la ribera de las tórtolas.

Ay, sufro, oyentes míos,
el dosel de plumas, cuando yo sea llevado,
allá en Tlapala se volverá humo.

Me iré, me iré a desaparecer,
seré tendido en estera de plumas amarillas
y llorarán por mí las ancianas.

¿Cómo Te Sientes?

¡Oh ya bebí florido cacao con maíz:
mi corazón llora, está doliente:
sólo sufro en la tierra!

Describe Donde Vives Actualmente:

En donde hay sauces blancos
estás reinando tú, y donde hay blancas cañas,
donde hay blancas juncias,
donde el agua de jade se tiende

Si Pudieras Ir A Cualquier Parte, ¿A Dónde Irías?
también allá irán
donde están los descorporizados.

Tu Modo Favorito De Transporte:

Oh cantor,
ponte en pie

Tus Mejores Amigos Son:

¡Flores valiosas y bellas se vayan entreverando!

Tu Color Favorito Es:

Con flores negras veteadas de oro
entrelaza el bello canto.

¿Cómo Está El Clima?

la niebla se tiende sobre nosotros

Tu Hora Favorita Del Día:

Con colores de ave dorada,
de rojinera y de roja luciente
matizas tú tus cantos

Si Tu Vida Fuera Un Programa De Televisión, ¿Cómo Se Llamaría?

¡Iremos desapareciendo: nadie ha de quedar!

Tu Regalo Ideal De Cumpleaños Sería:

huya tu hastío, no estés triste...
¿vendremos otra vez a pasar por la tierra?

Para Ti, La Vida Es:

Solamente se viene a vivir
la angustia y el dolor
de los que en el mundo viven...
¿alguien ha de ver cesar
la amargura, la angustia del mundo?

Tu Relación:

Sólo tú alteras las cosas,
como lo sabe nuestro corazpn:
nadie puede estar acaso a su lado,
tener éxito, reinar en la tierra.

Tu Miedo:

¡Ya no hay allá tristeza,
allá no recuerdan nada...

¿Cuál Es El Mejor Consejo Que Tienes Que Dar?

Con tinta negra borrarás
lo que fue la hermandad,
la comunidad, la nobleza.

Si Pudieras Cambiarte El Nombre, Serías:

él es quien se inventa a sí mismo: Dios

Pensamiento Del Día:

Con muerte en guerra os dareís a conocer.

Cómo Te Gustaría Morir:

La muerte al filo de obsidiana, la muerte en guerra, sólo eso ansía mi corazón.

Estado Actual Del Alma:

¡Ay de mí:
sea así!
No tengo dicha en la tierra aquí.
¿Ah de igual modo nací,
de igual modo fui hecho hombre:
¡Ah sólo el desamparo
he venido a conocer
aquí en el mundo habitado!

El Secreto Más Grande:

Verdaderamente apenas tengo compasión sobre la tierra.

Tu Lema:
En vano nací,
en vano salí de la casa del dios ala tierra:
¡Soy un desdichado!
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Yeah i'm still kinda alive by TenebrasLux, journal

PLEASE, READ, SIGN, SPREAD by TenebrasLux, journal

u.u by TenebrasLux, journal

Mi vida segun Nezahualcoyotl by TenebrasLux, journal